Adding manufactured stone veneer to your home is a great way to add value, and make your home more beautiful. Stone has been a staple building material since the beginning of time. Manufactured, or custom stone veneer, has changed up the game a little bit though. It is less expensive, and much easier to install. In fact, this particular project can be completed over the weekend with little or no professional help. There are many different styles of manufactured stone veneer to choose from, so make sure you choose one that perfectly accents your home.
When you have chosen your perfect manufactured stone veneer, you’re ready to get started:
- Prepare the surface that you will be applying the siding to. First you will need to create a moisture barrier by affixing house wrap or roofing felt to the area. If you are preparing a masonry wall you can skip the moisture guard. Next you will need to attach a metal lath to the wall with screws or nails to give the mortar a way to gain purchase on the wall.
- Start to apply the mortar mixture to the lath in a layer that is between 1/8 and 1/16 thick.
- Start applying the stones to the mortar by holding them in place for 5 to 10 seconds. Try to keep them as tightly spaced as possible because it will make filling in the gaps much easier later on.
- If you fit all of the stones tightly together then you may be able to just fill in the spaces between with an S type mortar. If not then you may have to cut small pieces of stone to put between the larger stones. The best way is to mark a stone using a pencil and then use a cut off grinder to give it the correct shape.
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