Natural stone has always been associated with quality and luxury so it is often used in homes. With the increase in demand for natural stone the price has gradually risen until people started looking for a quality alternative. Many have found it in commercial manufactured stone products. Manufactured stone is made from concrete that has been poured into a mold for its shape and given iron oxide pigments for its coloration.
The products look exactly like natural stone but in reality, it is a veneer about 2 – 3 inches thick. This means that a manufactured stone product is a fraction of the weight of natural stone, making it much easier to work with. Once the stone veneer has been put into place, it can easily last for decades or more without deterioration.
If you are still considering using natural stone in your next construction project instead of commercial manufactured stone, then consider this:
Manufactured stone is more efficient than natural stone. Natural stone will come in a range of shapes and sizes. Before it can be made to fit into a project it has to be cut and shaped. This is often very labor intensive and time consuming. Whereas manufactured stone can be cut into the shape needed and put into place with very little fuss.
- Commercial manufactured stone is cheaper to purchase than natural stone. Natural stone construction will need people with specialized skills, tools and materials like reinforced footing to hold up the enormous weight involved. Without these, a manufactured stone wall often costs 1/3 to ½ less than a natural stone wall.
- Manufactured stone is available in a much wider selection than natural stone. Natural stone is often found locally because it is so expensive to ship due to weight. Manufactured stone can be made to look like stone from anywhere in the world and it is light enough to ship if needed.
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